Investigating face pareidolia using DeepGaze: Bridging human and artificial perception [In Preparation]
Gupta, P., & Dobs, K. (2024). "Investigating face pareidolia using deepgaze: Bridging human and artificial perception [In Preparation]."
Gupta, P., & Dobs, K. (2024). "Investigating face pareidolia using deepgaze: Bridging human and artificial perception [In Preparation]."
Gupta, P., & Dobs, K. (2023). "Human-like face pareidolia emerges in deep neural networks optimized for face and object recognition [Under Review]."
Kanwisher, N., Gupta, P., & Dobs, K. (2023). "CNNs reveal the computational implausibility of the expertise hypothesis." Iscience, 26(2).
Holst, C., Yavuz, T. B., Gupta, P., Ganser, P., & Bergs, T. (2022). "Deep learning and rule-based image processing pipeline for automated metal cutting tool wear detection and measurement." IFAC-PapersOnLine, 55(2), 534–539.
Bergs, T., Holst, C., Gupta, P., & Augspurger, T. (2020). "Digital image processing with deep learning for automated cutting tool wear detection." JProcedia Manufacturing, 48, 947–958.
Poster at CMBB Day 2023, Giessen, Germany
Poster at ECVP 2022, Nijmegen, Netherlands
Talk at SFB Retreat 2022, Schloss Rauischholzhausen, Germany
Poster at LIN 2022 Workshop, Schloss Rauischholzhausen, Germany
Talk at ECVP 2021, Online (Covid Lockdown)